Friday, February 6, 2009

Is everything out there toxic???

Well, during my time of "research" today I came across several articles talking about the dangers of chemicals in fabric softener. It speaks of the dangers in both sheet and liquid...Now what????? I LOVE the smell and fluffiness of fabric softener!!! Here is some of the information. Decide for yourself. Here is the link to the article.

Central nervous system disorders that can be caused by fabric softeners

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Blood pressure reduction
  • Irrigation to skin, mucus membranes and respiratory tract
  • Pancreatic cancer below.
  • Soften Your Clothes Safely With These Tips
    Even if you don't feel the effects of these chemicals today, they can affect you gradually over time, and children, whose systems are still developing, are particularly at risk.
    There's really no reason to expose yourself to these risky chemicals when natural alternatives exist. Not only are they safer for you, your family and the environment, but they're much more economical too:
  • Add a quarter cup of baking soda to wash cycle to soften fabric
  • Add a quarter cup of white vinegar to wash soften fabric and eliminate cling
  • Check out your local health food store for a natural fabric softener that uses a natural base like soy instead of chemicals

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